Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Human Mind

Part 1 - Getting Smart

The first part of the documentary uncovers what happens to our mind when we learn, remember and make our own ideas. What we can do to improve our ability to learn and manipulate knowledge? This segment also shows how eating fish oils can boost our brain power.

Learn how to improve your memory and have more 'eureka' momments from Professor Robert Winston.

Part 2 - Creating Personality

This second part explores what makes us, ourself. It also uncovers the universal battle we face to master our emotions and control our behavior.

Professor Robert Winston explainss how our minds shape our personalities throughout our lifespan, and reveals how traits like extroversion and introversion develops. Find out how parents can affect the personalities of their children and why teenagers are so emotionally sensitive. What lies at the heart of characteristics like anger and mood–swings in adults? Watch Part 2 of the human mind to find out.

part 3 - How we make Friends

This final episode explains about our interaction with people and how we learn to trust people. It basically explores our social skills as a human being.

Note: Short clip of woman giving birth in 5.35mins to 6mins, there will be some nudity so please be aware.

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