Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wild and weird

Episode 1 - Wild Life
A brief look through on some of the weird, strange and wonderful beheavior of animals. This clip will touch on the adaptations that these animals take in order to survive.

<a href="">Wild & Weird - Episode 1: A Wild Life</a>

Episode 2 - Wild sex (Not Animal Porn!)
Animal sex, cranky as it may sound, is much interesting than any porn.

When the Elephant Seals mate, the female seals are in the risk of being crushed to death, for one simple reason. The male Seals are 3 times as heavy as the female Seals, the average weight of an Elephant Seal is an astonishing 2700kg and can grow as long as 5metres. The female seems puny in comparison, only weighing in at an average of 900kgs.

Many of a time, animals have to fight to get sex, this is part of natural selection. The strongest and fittest shall get to make babies, strong and fit babies.

<a href="">Wild & Weird - Episode 2: Wild Sex</a>

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